Elizabeth Hamilton
Executive Director
Not to be confused with long-time church members, Bob and Beth Hamilton, Elizabeth and her husband, Rob, joined the RUMC community in 2016 after a long courtship with unknown angels from the CUC Sunday School class. All friends of the elder Bob and Beth, but to simply call Beth mistakenly after Elizabeth’s phone number was noted as Beth Hamilton’s in the Church Directory. Good things happen for a reason.
Rob and Elizabeth and their two small children have been active at RUMC since 2016 and joined Cornerstone Sunday School Class. Shew is also a proud parent of the RUMCK. She was hired as the Executive Director in January 2019. With over 25 years in nonprofit management and marketing, Elizabeth is taking the Foundation to a new level by implementing this new website to enhancing relations with opportunities for fellowship. Learn more about her professional career here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizaghamilton/