George and Rose Jackson Polatty Endowment

Supporting the Families at RUMC with RUMC Worship Arts

George and Rose were a pivotal part of Roswell and through their tireless community dedication, together, they made Roswell a wonderful place to raise a family. Family was most important to them and the RUMC church community was the center of their lives. They appreciated the church and its worship arts ministry so much that they established an endowment for generations to enjoy.

Meet George and Rose

George Polatty Sr. and Rose Crystal Jackson married on November 27, 1942, they had four children, George Junius Polatty Jr. and Robert Wilmot Polatty, lawyers in Roswell and Dawsonville, Richard James Polatty, geologist and naturalist guide in Antarctica and the Galapagos Islands, and Rose Crystal Polatty, physician in Richmond, Virginia.

They loved family and loved planning trips with the children and grandchildren to show them the USA and foreign lands. He loved trains and had traveled on the worlds most famous ones. She was known as the “daughter of Roswell” though all her community support. He served as the City of Roswell Attorney. They loved the church, Roswell United Methodist, where they were trustees, he was the charter president of the Methodist Men’s Club, and they were Sunday School teachers during the years. Together they were a power couple to help make Roswell the beautiful city it is today.

George Julius Polatty, Sr.
July 8, 2019 - May 6, 2003

Rose Crystal Jackson Polatty
September 17, 1922 - November 30, 2015

In Memory


“Rose was a a truly talented and gifted spirit.”

— Sandra Nowell

Onward to the next part of her journey - likely as a guiding force, as she was here. Such a purely authentic, genuine, giving person is a rarity. She graced all of the lives she touched. Peace and healing thoughts to those who remain behind. She was surely well loved.

— Susan Nickerson

“For all my years in Roswell, the house on the corner of Mimosa was one of my favorite stops. George taught me how to travel without missing a thing and I think he traveled life's road the same way..”

— Janet Russell

My memories of Rose Polatty are of a loving, giving mother, involved in the lives of all young people...parades, school activities, etc. May she rest in peace.

— Linda Mansell Martin

“Uncle George was an example for all of us. He was very thoughtful and always remembered our daughters during Christmastime. He was indeed an extraordinary man who experienced life to the fullest.”

— Mills and Leslie Polatty