Richard L. and Marian Wolfe Endowment

Supporting the Worship Arts

The Worship Arts ministry at RUMC has been one of the most influential and comforting connections for so many. The performers inspire and become inspired to strengthen their walk of faith. To Dick and Marian Wolfe, these relationships were the rock behind their deep faith. In their legacy, their endowment supports the Worship Arts ministry so that others can feel its strength.


Meet Marian and Dick.

Both Dick and Marian are from Minnesota and moved to Georgia due to Dick’s career. Over 30 years ago, they joined the Roswell United Methodist Church and became active members of the RUMC Worship Arts Choir. Together they had a strong faith and dedicated their life to helping others.

Richard L. Wolfe
October 5, 1928 - August 9, 2019

Marian Wolfe
- 2001

Dick and Marian were the nicest people I’ve ever met. They were generous, non flashy, people who committed their lives to helping others who walked in His faith.

— Joyce Brannon - Friend